
Seminar to build, nurture and develop relationships in digital environments

Publicerad 2021-04-05
av Björn Löfgren

At the autumn meeting for SFMA, a seminar was held by Karin Zingmark on the theme "How to create, nurture and develop customer relationships in the digital environment?".


Karin Zingmark has extensive experience of change management and communication from leading roles in various industries, previously as marketing manager at Microsoft in Sweden. She is the author of two books, the debut book "Maxa Snacket", which inspires on the theme of digital communication and communicative leadership and the sequel "Maxa Modet" which is about driving change through trust and communication:


The time when management could delegate communication to a communication department is long gone. Today's companies must become fully communicative by listening, analyzing the world around them, absorbing customer insights and engaging in dialogue with both employees and customers via the digital platforms available today. Karin inspires around how to drive constant change in harmony with the world around you through an open, transparent dialogue, and how you can build and develop your customer relationships in this work thanks to today's media landscape. 


The link to the seminar can be found HERE